Believers in Business 2025 Conference Registration

An in-person BiB Conference February 21-22, 2025 at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.

BiB 2025: Arise

As the largest Christian MBA gathering in the country, the 2025 Believers in Business Conference is a key intersection of the Christian MBA and Christian professional communities. It highlights not only how believing professionals are living out their faith day-to-day, but also the panoply of ways God is working through business to impact the world. We’re excited to see how God uses this year’s conference to call a new generation of Christian business leaders to arise. 

Arise and join us in exploring God’s call into impact in the workplace!

Registration Details 

Registration Rate Student: $159 

Registration Rate Professional: $205 

What's Included: Entry to the 2-day conference, three meals, snacks, refreshments, and swag.

Event Recording: The conference will NOT be recorded.

Refund Policy: As a revenue-negative conference, we cannot refund, transfer, or substitute registrations.

Praxis Activate

We are excited to partner with Praxis once again to host a one-day gathering (Friday morning and afternoon) on redemptive entrepreneurship that will precede our event. An exclusive discount will be available to all BiB attendees!

Activate is for aspiring redemptive entrepreneurs 35-and-under seeking to create a redemptive vision and strategy for their vocation. It’s an opportunity to explore how the ideas of redemptive entrepreneurship might shape your own vocation call—all in community with like-minded entrepreneurs and builders.

The program itself is $95. 

However, for BiB Attendees, this event can be added to their weekend experience at a discount for just $35! 

Praxis Registration is no longer available on this website, but you can register directly with Praxis.

Use Code BiB35$ to qualify for the discounted rate! 

Location Information

Hosted by Redeemer Presbyterian Church - W83 Address: 150 W 83rd St, New York, NY 10024

Registration Type

  • Currently attending an MBA program full or part-time.

  • MBA Alumni, Speakers/Panelists, Sponsors, IV Staff

    Registrant Information

    Emergency Contact Information

    College / University Information

    Registration Details

    Conference Involvement

    Student Leadership Teammate for BiB 26: This is for returning MBA students. Help lead the next BiB by being on our marketing, fundraising, operations, and speakers team. Not only is this a great serving opportunity, but it is also a great way to work with other believers nationwide to shape this conference.

    Individual Release/Waiver

    Should the PDF not display properly, you may download a copy of the Individual Release-Waiver_10.22.2020.pdf


    Billing Information

    • Visa
    • Mastercard
    • American Express
    • Discover
    RegFox Event Registration Software